This Historical object is placed in region Banská Štiavnica which is written in UNESCO, in the village named Štiavnické Bane. The village Štiavnické Bane is located 6km from Banská Štiavnica and 188km from capital city Bratislava. It is a historical object from 1/2 18.century. Local people call it ,,The Tower,, or ,,Under the tower clock,, The object originally served for exhausting water from mining part. For this purpose a steam/fire exhausting machinery was placed in this building. These machines were built by an english designer Potter 1690-1735.
This object is one of well-preserved of this kind, you cannot find in original country England object like this, in such good technical state.
Under the object are 2 shafts (entrance to what used to be a golden mine) which you can open. If you want to come back to the 18 century, in the time of landlords ,,The Tower,, ist the best place.
Building has 1 meter high walls from andesit stone in authentic state. Ground floor is designed for guests and the 1st floor for the landlord. Each floor has its own entrance. This part is completly renovated and has all utilities: electricity, water, gas...The heating is from fireplace or you can use electrical heating. Water heating is from the boiler. This building is furnished with antique furniture. "The Tower" can be used as a place for spending holiday or like gallery or artist studio. Near the object is general office and grocery store. Available is also playground and elementary school.
Directly in village Štiavnické Bane there are 4 lakes named TAJCHY and you can see from your window the highest hill SITNO. There is ruins of castle from the Kelts on SITNO. In winter you can go skying. There is a winter center SKI SALAMANDRA near by (20 km).
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